
Challenge 2012

Over $1,000 in Prizes

guaranteed to be given away!

Grand Prize – $400

Second Prize – $300

Third Prize – $200

Fourth Prize – $100

5th – 6th – 7th Prizes for

Best Story & Office Favorites

Additional Prizes to be Announced


This is going to be another exciting year of FREE crochet patterns!  Join us for the 2012 BestFreeCrochet.com Heads-Up Pattern-a-Day ChallengeWe are going to post a FREE crochet pattern each day of 2012.  Last year was so much fun!  Many of you looked forward to seeing the new FREE pattern every day in your newsletter.  We don’t want that to end.  Let’s keep the tradition going!

For the entire year our focus will be “Heads Up” – wearables for your head.  Ideas are listed below.  Once again we need your help.  Send in your original designs and your unique stories and you could win prizes.

For those of you who are wondering – “Why should I submit my design?”

Here are some reasons:

1. If you have a crochet business you will get a story about you and your business with a permanent link to your shop.  With over 700,000 page views per month on BestFreeCrochet.com, this is great exposure for you.

2. It’s nice to do it for the fun of it and to share with your fellow crocheters.

3. You may win a prize – your odds are 1 in 3 of winning!

4. Last years challenge encouraged crocheters to design for the very first time.

5. This challenge enables you to share your story about your crochet, life, design inspration, etc.

6. The designs can be very simple, nothing too elaborate.  We don’t expect masterpieces.


Hats, Caps, Snoodies, Beanies, Berets, Hair Bows, Scrunchies, Headbands, Hair Ties, Barrettes, etc…  Head-up for Dolls is OK too!

Join us for this exciting challenge. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

Click here to download Contest Info.

Click here to download Contest Offical Rules.

Click here to download Contest Entry Form.

Comments (2)

  • Dena 13 years ago Reply

    Will the pattern links be on the daily email? This is going to be so interesting!!

  • landofoz 13 years ago Reply

    seems interesting

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