Top Prize $250
Best of Show2nd Place Prize $100
3rd Place Prize $50
Additional Prizes will include Blue Bobble Afghan, Daffodil Afghan, Lace Pottery, Gift Baskets.
Consolation prizes to all entrants – $15 Gift Certificate to MaggiesCrochet.com
Additional categories for prizes include
Most dishcloths sent in for charity
Most dishcloths designed
Best story submitted with dishcloth
More details will be posted soon
In order for us to meet the goal of 365 Dishloths – We need your help!
Let’s design a Dishcloth-a-Day for 365 days!
We will design some of them but we need your help!
Basically a dishcloth can be designed using a book of crochet stitches or motifs of all shapes. Experiment with color combinations, edges, appliqués etc… The best yarn to use is 100% cotton worsted weight. Design and crochet a dishcloth that is slightly different so it’s original. Write the pattern – Send it in with the contract provided.If your dishcloth is accepted, you and your design will become part of the blog story accompanying the entire event, and… At the end of the year we will vote on the top three dishcloths!!!Prizes Will Be Awarded!!
All accepted dishcloth patterns will be posted on BestFreeCrochet.com. We would like to tie this in with a charitable donation. Please make extra dishcloths – send them to us marked “extra”. We will donate them to shelters at the end of the event. Whether you design or make extra dishcloths for the shelter, be part of this exciting event!!!
Contest Forms and Documentation
Dishcloth Challenge Entry Form
Please print and fill out this form for each dishcloth you are entering.
Click here to view Dishcloth Patterns in our Challenge.
I think this dishcloth ides is great. We are traveling right now till the end of March, so all my crocheting needles are home. Been thinking of some ideas so will sign up for it when we return home.
Jeanie B MN
Oh my goodness, how can you travel without crochet hooks? Happy trails! 🙂
What fun! I have completed my first design and working on the next right now!
I think this is a great idea Maggie !! I so look forward to seeing all the designs, maybe I will have a go at designing one myself, I’m still quite a novice at crochet though 🙂 xxxx
Hugs Fee xxx
An excellent idea. I have already completed 2 of the designs as gifts for a house warming. Keep ’em coming!
It’ll be interesting to see what can be created
Love the idea for dishcloths, trying to keep up, only on 10, but, crocheting along!!!!!!
Thank you for making it easier to print the patterns. This is great!
Norma Maldonado ~~ What a WONDERFUL idea!!! A beautiful afghan made from these beautiful dishcloths !!! I’ve not yet started crocheting any of them as I knew I wouldn’t use them to wash dirty dishes. But ~~ an afghan? As I said, Norma, what a simply fabulous idea. Thanks for sharing.
Maggie ~~ thanks for posting such wonderful cro…chet patterns. I’ve been a member of your site for some time now and really enjoy See More
Where can I go to see all of the dishcloths that have been shown so far.
I not a huge user of dishcloths but love these as flannels / face washers thanks
What happened to being able to see the pictures on the list of patterns? Now I can only see the pics if I go to the individual pattern. please fix this. Thanks!!
This feature has been restored.
It was down temporarily while we were making updates, sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks so much for restoring the pictures (at least I hope they’re restored.. haven’t checked yet today ::grin::)
I never thought of making an afghan out of the potholders..I might have to try that..Ilove all the patterns that Maggie has come up with..Keep them coming..Thanks so much..
This looks intriguing.
I am having so much fun with your daily dishcloth patterns! I just finished making some of the heart- shaped ones for my girls for Valentine’s Day. I am planning on designing one and entering the contest soon.
How Do You Sumit a Picture Of A Dishcloth You’ve Done ? I’ve Done A Heart Shaped One From YOur PAttern & Wanted To Send In A Pic
Thank’s,Dottie In Va
they are all in tregging and i have taken potholder patterns and make afghans or afghan stitching it is fun i have even tried to do 12inch sqs with them just totally fun me
Hi.. This is Linda in Tucson,, I have a question. on the challenge entry form , 2nd page it say the photo and patter of all accepted dishcloths…. does this mean, that I need to take a picture of my dish cloth , and sent it to you along with the dish cloth and the pattern.and etc. or are you all taking the picture for us. and we just send the dish cloth and the pattern. 2nd question.. I have cotton yarn that I have had since forevern and don’t know the brand name.. what do I write about that yarn – I do know that YEs it is cotton. o the cone it says craft cotton on cones color Apple Red?
Thank you for accepting my dishcloth and for editing the instructions – much easier to follow than mine! This is loads of fun.
thank you so much for the great dishcloth patterns. I’ve been trying to save pdf copys of #53,54,55 and it keeps saying file cannot be found. thanks for your help
Thanks so much, Maggie, for all the lovely dishclothes. When I checked today, though, I seen dishcloth #73 and #71. But what happened to #72? I plan on using alot of these lovely dishclothes to make a beautiful afghan as they are all much too beautiful to wash dirty dishes with. Again, thanks.