
#365 New Years Dishcloth – Maggie Weldon Maggies Crochet


We have reached the end of the dishcloth journey. A few days ago Wendi and I celebrated after she finished writing the very last pattern for this Happy New Years dishcloth. We talked about how it all got started. She reminded me that it was a snowstorm that started it all. Wendi thanked God for no snow storm this year. The year has gone by so quick!

Thank you to everyone who made this Challenge a success; all the designers, Wendi, Eddie, Jen, Vicki B, Vicki A, Rhonda and Allison. It definitely was a challenge but with all of your help we got it done.

Thank you for following, have a very Happy New Year!

The New Years Crochet dishcloth is now available in the Holiday Dishcloth Set Crochet Pattern.

All Rights Reserved ©2011 Maggie Weldon



Visit: Maggiescrochet.com


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Comments (25)

  • jhuie5445 13 years ago Reply

    THANKS for the great year with the dishcloths! I use several of them as granny squares for an afghan!!

  • Pat 13 years ago Reply

    Happy New Year Maggie to you and your loved ones. Thank you for a great year of dishcloth patterns. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for 2012.

  • Debbie 13 years ago Reply

    Thank You, Thank you I can not say it enough. You have such wonderful designs. Have a safe and Happy New Year!!!!!!

  • Carolyn Geoffrey 13 years ago Reply

    Maggie, this is outstanding! Thank you so much for all the dishcloth patterns you have shared with us. You are the best!!

  • Sandie Sallmen 13 years ago Reply

    Thank you so much for the dishcloth challenge. I spent the year recovering from surgery and radiation for breast cancer. I started crocheting the dishcloths (crocheting is my favorite craft)and it was great therapy for me. I would start one I liked, another one, and before I knew it, I’d made over 50!!! Friends and family were so happy to be receiving these as gifts. Again, thank you.

  • Catlady 13 years ago Reply

    Add my thanks, and best wishes to you and yours for a happy and prosperous New Year. 🙂

  • Patt 13 years ago Reply

    Thank you so much for posting these. I looked forward to seeing the new ones everyday. This was great.

  • Martha Vaughn Brown 13 years ago Reply

    Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New Year. Thank you for a great year of patterns, it keeps me going, looking for the next one. As above, can’t wait to see what the new year brings!!

  • Phyllis Erhardt 13 years ago Reply

    All my thanks for the terrific patterns. I make these as gifts and also for a church. they love them and can’t wait to see moe.Hope you have a Happy New Year, you are truly blessed

  • Phyllis Erhardt 13 years ago Reply

    Thank you so much for the terrific patterns. I make them for gifts and also for a church to use in their kitchen,thy can’t walt to get the next one.Hop y[u have a Happy New Year. You are truly blessed

  • Gina Pike 13 years ago Reply

    Sniff, Sniff…I’m so sad that this is the last one. I’ve become accustomed to looking at these first thing in the morning and getting so excited about the new patterns. Thank you so much for all the wonderful patterns. It’s been a fabulous year that I have enjoyed so much. Best wishes to you and your team, Maggie, and Happy New Year to you and to everyone reading this post.

  • Judy 13 years ago Reply

    Thank you so much. Happy New Years to you and your family. Wish you would do pot holders next. That would be neat

  • Arlene 13 years ago Reply

    Thanks, Maggie for all the beautiful dishcloth patterns that you have shared with us! Hope you have a Happy New Year and will be looking forward to what you come up with for 2012!

  • Sheila 13 years ago Reply

    Maggie thanks for the opportunity to learn new things through these dish clothes fantastic idea. I plan on starting over with #1 and making all 365 to donate to my local church bazaar to raise money for our food bank. I hope you do something like this again. Happy New Year to you your family and staff

  • Sylvia McHaffey 13 years ago Reply

    Thank you for your Dishcloths over the year. I have enjoyed your patterns. I especially enjoyed the Candy Corn Poncho and Hat set, I made that for my granddaughter who is 1 1/2 years old. I then turned around and made it in Red and Green for her for Christmas. She looked adorable. I can’t wait to see what you bring to us this next year. Happy New Year to you and your family and may next year bring happiness and prosperity to you.

  • Diann Anderson 13 years ago Reply

    Happy New Year!!! I have really enjoyed all the great designs! Can’t wait to see what is going to happen in 2012!!!

  • Barbara 13 years ago Reply

    Happy New Year! A HUGE thank you to Maggie and all the designers for a wonderful year of dishcloths! I have used some of them to make dollhouse rugs and have loved every minute! Somehow I missed #93 and can’t find it. Is it still available?

  • Flo Isbell 13 years ago Reply

    I can’t think of anything that the others have not already said. You have some no, all of the best patterns I have seen in a long long time. Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year. I truly agree sooooo much with Diann Anderson’s response of “Can’t wait to see what is going to happen in 2012”

  • bonnie 13 years ago Reply

    thank you and everyone who has shared the dishclothes.
    Happy New year.

  • SoSaje 13 years ago Reply

    This has been such a fun feature!! I have been following all year – checking in every few days to see all the great new designs. I hope you leave them up on the site for a while … I’m nowhere near done making them all yet! LOL Thanks for the taking on this challenge … look forward to seeing what’s in store for 2012!

  • Sheila White 13 years ago Reply

    Thank you Maggie for all the beautiful, amazing dishcloth patterns. I’ve looked forward to your patterns every day. Happy New Year to you and your family!!! I can’t wait to see what’s up for 2012.

  • Sharon 13 years ago Reply

    Very cute ! Happy New Year everyone !

  • Jackie C. 13 years ago Reply

    Thank-you so much,Maggie,for all your wonderful dishcloth patterns. I only got to subscribe to your fantastic website in October. You are so kind to have shared all these patterns. I have been able to make many as gifts . I work at two jobs and always look foreward to starting on a new design,thanks to you.God Bless and have a safe and healthy new year! Love, Jackie Carroll.

  • Sheila 12 years ago Reply

    Dear Maggie,Staff, & Customers. May the new year find you happy and surrounded by the love of family and friends. Thank you for all of your help and patience Maggie. HAPPY NEW YEAR

  • rl 12 years ago Reply

    am i missing something? i don’t see how you got 29 sts in 2nd row from 25 sts in 1st row without any increase.
    thank you

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