
#88 Snow Pines Crochet Dishcloth

If you look closely you will see five Chirstmas Trees in a circle.  Do you see them?  The trunks are light brown in the white edging.  This clever dishcloth design is by Carol Ballard.  Carol lives in my home state: Michigan.  She lives up north where it is very cold.  She says: “These are like the pines that circle my cabin in Northern Michigan!”

To see more of Carol’s designs visit MaggiesCrochet.com or Carol’s Blog: http://www.cobblerscabin.wordpress.com/

Thank you Carol for all your wonderful designs.  Follow me onto Dishcloth #89 and the rest of the story…

Snow Pines Dishcloth

Original Design By Carol Ballard

Copyright 2011 Maggie Weldon

Skill: Easy

Size: About 11” at widest points.

Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn: Green – 2 oz, 100 yd (60 g, 92 m) White – ½ oz, 26 yd (15 g, 23 m) Small amount Yellow and Beige. (I Love This Cotton – Forest # 52, White #6, Buttercup # 12, Woods Print #230)

Crochet Hook:
Size I-9 (5.50 mm)

Gauge: 3 sc = 1”, 3 sc rows = 1”.


When instructed to join with sc, begin with sl knot on hook, insert hook in st or sp indicated, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook.


Work last stitch before color change to last step, with new color yo and pull new color through remaining loops on hook. Drop unused color to wrong side. Do not work over unused color.

Special Stitches

Front Post Double Crochet (FPdc):
Yo, insert hook in front of work from right to left around next dc of previous row, yo, pull up a lp, (yo, pull through 2 lps) twice.


Rnd 1:
(Right Side) With Yellow, ch 3 (counts as first dc now and throughout), 9 dc in 3rd ch from hook; join with sl st to first dc. (10 dc) Finish off and weave in ends.

Rnd 2:
With right side facing, join Green with sl st to any dc, ch 3, dc in same dc, 2 dc in next dc, ch 2, (2 dc in next 2 dc, ch 2) around; join. (20 dc)

Rnd 3:
Ch 3, FPdc in next 3 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in ch-2 sp, * FPdc in next 4 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around; join around post of first dc. (30 dc)

Rnd 4:
Ch 3, FPdc in next 4 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in ch-2 sp, * FPdc in next 6 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around, ending with FPdc in next dc; join around post of first dc. (40 dc)

Rnd 5:
Ch 3, FPdc in next 5 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in ch-2 sp, * FPdc in next 8 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around, ending with FPdc in next 2 dc; join around post of first dc. (50 dc)

Rnd 6:
Ch 3, FPdc in next 6 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in ch-2 sp, * FPdc in next 10 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around, ending with FPdc in next 3 dc; join around post of first dc. (60 dc)

Rnd 7:
Ch 3, FPdc in next 7 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in ch-2 sp, * FPdc in next 12 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around, ending with FPdc in next 4 dc; join around post of first dc. (70 dc)

Rnd 8:
Ch 3, FPdc in next 8 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in ch-2 sp, * FPdc in next 14 dc, (dc, ch 2, dc) in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around, ending with FPdc in next 5 dc; join around post of first dc. (80 dc)

Rnd 9:
Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, change color to Beige, with Beige, sc in next 2 dc, pick up Green, sc in next 6 dc, 3 sc in ch-2 sp, * sc in next 6 dc, drop Green, pick up Beige, sc in next 2 sc, drop Beige, with Green, sc in next 6 sc, 3 sc in next ch-2 sp *; rep from * to * around, ending with sc in next 5 dc, change color to White; with White join with sl st to first sc. (85 sc) Finish off Green and weave in ends.

Rnd 10:
With White, ch 1, sc in same st as joinin, pick up Beige, sc in next 2 sc, drop Beige, with White, sc in next 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc, * sc in next 7 sc, drop White, with Beige, sc in next 2 sc, drop Beige, with White, sc in next 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc *; rep from * to * around, ending with sc in next 6 sc, pick up Beige; with Beige, join. (90 sc)

Rnd 11:
With Beige, ch 1, sc in first 4 sc, drop Beige, with White, sc in next 14 sc, * drop White, with Beige, sc in next 4 sc, drop Beige, with White, sc in next 14 sc*; rep from * to * around; with White, join. Finish off Beige and weave in ends.

Rnd 12:
With White, ch 1, (sc, ch 2, dc) in same st as joining, skip next sc, * (sc, ch 2, dc) in next sc, skip next sc; rep from * around; join. Finish off and weave in ends.


Row 1:
With right side facing, join White with sc around post of last FPdc on Rnd 8, sc in same st, * loosely work 2 sc around last dc of each rnd *, work 2 sc in center sp between 2 dc on Rnd 1; rep from * to * down opposite side of same section. Finish off and weave in ends.

Repeat Row 1 around each section (between ch-2 sps).

All Rights Reserved ©2011 Maggie Weldon




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Comments (3)

  • Kvanatta 14 years ago Reply

    Fun to make – and gorgeous! I like this one a lot 🙂

  • Kvanatta 14 years ago Reply

    Fun to make – and gorgeous! I like this one a lot 🙂

  • Kvanatta 14 years ago Reply

    Fun to make – and gorgeous! I like this one a lot 🙂

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