
#92 Stars and Stripes Crochet Dishcloth

Saturday, April 2, 2011 – This is one of my favorite dishcloths by Carol Ballard.  Carol read the postings on Mio Michigan and had this to say: “Hi Maggie! It’s been fun reading your info on Mio! We actually got about 12-14″ of snow last week, but that’s spring in Michigan!”  She sent a picture which I have posted at the bottom of the page.  Stay warm Carol and thank you for another great design.

To see more of Carol’s designs visit MaggiesCrochet.com or Carol’s Blog: http://www.cobblerscabin.wordpress.com/

Follow me onto Dishcloth #93 and the rest of the story…

Stars and Stripes Dishcloth

Original Design By Carol Ballard

Copyright 2011 Maggie Weldon

Skill: Easy

About 11½” wide and 9½” long.

Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn: Red – ½ oz, 25 yd (15 oz, 23 m) White – ½ oz, 25 yd (15 oz, 23 m) Blue – 1 oz, 50 yd (30 oz, 46 m) Yellow – ½ oz, 25 yd (15 oz, 23 m) (I Love This Cotton – Red # 60, White # 6, Royalty #90, Buttercup #12) White Size 10 Crochet Thread – 30 yds Embroidery Needle.

Crochet Hook:
Size H-8 (5.00 mm) and Steel # 3 (2.10 mm)

3 sc = 1″, 3 sc rows = 1″.


When instructed to join with sc, begin with sl knot on hook, insert hook in st or sp indicated, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook.

To Change Colors

Work last stitch before color change to last step, with new color yo and pull new color through remaining loops on hook. Drop unused color to wrong side. Do not work over unused color.

Special Stitches

Single Crochet Decrease: (sc dec):
Draw up a lp in each of next 2 sts, yo and draw through 3 lps on hook.

Ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook.


Row 1:
(Right Side) Starting with Blue and larger hook, ch 29, sc in 2nd ch from hook, (sc in next ch) across. (28 sc)

Rows 2-9:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across. (25 sc) Finish off Blue and weave in ends.


Row 1:
With right side facing, working in Row 9, join Red with sl st to first sc, ch 25, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 23 ch, working in Row 9, sc in next 2 sc.

Row 2:
Ch 1, turn, skip first 2 sc, sc in next 24 sc; change color to White.

Row 3:
With White, ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across, working in Row 9, sc in next 2 sc.

Row 4:
Ch 1, turn, skip first 2 sc, sc in next 24 sc; change color to Red.

Row 5:
With Red, ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across; working in Row 9, sc in next 2 sc.

Rows 6-25:
Rep Rows 2-6 five times.

Rows 26:
Rep Row 2 once more.

Row 27:
With White, ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across, working in Row 9, sc in next sc.

Row 28:
Ch 1, turn, skip first sc, sc in next 24 sc. Finish off and weave in ends.


Rnd 1:
With right side facing, join Yellow with sc to any corner, sc in same corner, evenly sc around dishcloth, working 2 sc in each corner; join with sl st to first sc.

Rnd 2:
Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, 2 sc in next sc, picot, (sc in next 3 sc, picot) around, working 2 sc in each corner; join. Finish off and weave in ends.

STARS (Make 3)

Rnd 1:
(Right Side) Starting at center with Thread and smaller hook, ch 2, 10 sc in 2nd ch from hook; join with sl st to first sc. (10 sc)

Rnd 2:
Ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around; join. (20 sc)

Work continues in Rows.

First Point

Row 1:
Ch 1, sc in first 4 sc. (4 sc) Leave remaining sts unworked.

Row 2:
Ch 1, turn, sc dec, sc in next 2 sc. (3 sc)

Row 3:
Ch 1, turn, sc dec, sc in next sc. (2 sc)

Row 4:
Ch 1, turn, sc dec. (1 sc) Finish off and weave in ends.

Next Point

Row 1:
With right side facing, working in Rnd 2, join with sc to next sc, sc in next 3 sc. (4 sc) Leave remaining sts unworked.

Rows 2-4:
Rep Rows 2-4 of First Point.

– Repeat Next Point twice more.

Last Point

Row 1:
With right side facing, working in Rnd 2, join with sc to next sc, sc in next 3 sc. (4 sc)

Rows 2-3:
Rep Rows 2-3 of First Point.

Row 4:
Ch 1, turn, sc dec. (1 sc) DO NOT FINISH OFF.

Star Edging

Rnd 1:
Ch 1, turn, sc evenly around Star, working 3 sc in tip of each point; join with sl st to first sc. Finish off leaving long end.

Finishing – use photo as guide

– With right side of Dishcloth facing, using long ends, sew Stars in place.

All Rights Reserved ©2011 Maggie Weldon



Mio Michigan Spring 2011!


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1 Comment

  • Kvanatta 14 years ago Reply

    Hooray for the red, white and blue! Other than having a tough time finding a blue I was happy with.. this one was another great success! It worked up easily and gave me a bit of a surprise challenge with the thread stars. I have trouble with my eyes so thread is not my favorite – but they were not too difficult and look pretty!

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