
#91 Crayons Crochet Dishcloth

Happy April Fools Day!

The best April Fools Day joke I have ever had played on me happened last year.  Or was that two years ago?  Ryan our webmaster created a fake email and sent it to me.  The email appeared to be from a very large magazine like Oprah or Martha Stewart.  The producers were requesting several pieces of our Lace Pottery for a photo shoot.  I was so excited, jumping up and down all over the place.  Everyone was in on the joke but me of course.  We all had a good laugh.

To see more of Carol’s designs visit MaggiesCrochet.com or Carol’s Blog: http://www.cobblerscabin.wordpress.com/

Thank you Carol for all your wonderful designs.  Follow me onto Dishcloth #92 and the rest of the story…

Crayons Dishcloth

Original Design By Carol Ballard

Copyright 2011 Maggie Weldon

Skill: Easy to Intermediate

About 8” wide and 10” long.

Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn: Yellow – 1½ oz, 75 yd (45 g, 69 m) Various Crayon Colors – 10 yds each. (I Love This Cotton – Buttercup #12, Forest #52, Mulberry #262, Aubergine # 32, Royalty #90, Amethyst #250) Yarn Needle.

Crochet Hook: Size H-8 (5.00 mm)

3 sc = 1″, 3 sc rows = 1″.


When instructed to join with sc, begin with sl knot on hook, insert hook in st or sp indicated, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook.

To Change Colors

Work last stitch before color change to last step, with new color yo and pull new color through remaining loops on hook. Drop unused color to wrong side. Do not work over unused color.

Special Stitches

Single Crochet Decrease: (sc dec):
Draw up a lp in each of next 2 sts, yo and draw through 3 lps on hook.


Row 1:
(Right Side) Starting at bottom, with Yellow, ch 26, sc in 2ndch from hook, (sc in next ch) across. (25 sc)

Rows 2-25:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across. (25 sc) Finish off Yellow and weave in ends.


Note: Drop unused colors to back of work.

Row 1:
With right sidefacing, join first Crayon Color with sc to first sc, sc in next 4 sc, (change color, with next color, sc in next 5 sc) 4 times.

Rows 2-6:
Ch 1, turn, sc in first 5 sc, (pick up next matching color, sc in next 5 sc) 4 times. DO NOT FINISH OFF.

Crayon Tips

First Tip

Row 7:
Over first color, ch 1, turn, sc dec, sc in next sc, sc dec. (3 sc) Leave remaining sts unworked.

Row 8:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across. (3 sc)

Row 9:
Ch 1, turn, sc dec, sc in next sc. (2 sc)

Row 10:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across. (2 sc)

Row 11:
Ch 1, turn, sc dec. (1 sc) Finish off and weave in ends.

Next Tip

Row 7:
With right sidefacing, pick up next color, working over one color, ch 1, sc dec, sc in next sc, sc dec. (3 sc) Leave remaining sts unworked.

Rows 8-11:
Rep Rows 8-11 of First Tip.

– Rep Next Tip across until all 5 crayons are done.


Rnd 1:
With right sidefacing, join Yellow with sc to end Row 25, * working in sides of rows, sc in each row across *, working in unused lps of starting ch, 2 sc in first ch, (sc in next ch) across to last ch, 2 sc in last ch; rep from * to * until Row 25, [change color to matching crayon color, sc evenly around crayon, working 2 sc in tip of crayon] across all crayons; join with sl st to first sc. Finish off and weave in ends.

All Rights Reserved ©2011 Maggie Weldon




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1 Comment

  • Kvanatta 14 years ago Reply

    this one is really cute! It’s a great way to use up small scraps of color and would be a super teacher gift!

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