
Instructional Video – Crochet Turning Chains

Turning Chain Tip

Typically when crocheting in rows you are instructed to chain 1 turn for a single crochet row and chain 2 turn for a half double crochet row and chain 3 turn for a double crochet row and so on.. For any rows other than single crochet you are instructed or expected to skip working in the first stitch and have the turning chain count as your first stitch.  This crochet technique often leaves holes where the turning chains are and the holes alternate sides on each row.

In this video I show you a better way.  By using this easy technique your rows will come out even on the sides.  You will also find it easier to find and crochet in the last stitch instead of the turning chain.

Give it a try.  Get out your crochet hooks and yarn, work up a sample using both crochet techniques and see for yourself which you prefer.

All Rights Reserved ã2010 Maggie Weldon



Maggie’s Crochet





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Comments (14)

  • Donna Gatlin 14 years ago Reply

    I liked your video about crochet turning chains. Are there any written instructions on this?

  • loretta 14 years ago Reply

    I really like the hints – especially the turning chain one. Thanks.

    Maggie Weldon 14 years ago Reply

    I’m glad you liked the video. More are coming next month.

  • Donna Telley 14 years ago Reply

    That is fabulous. I will be taking out what I’m doing now (only 6 rows) and beginning again. I hate the “alternating holes” and having to try to catch the loop in the top of chain 2 or 3 in order to crochet the next stitch.

    Thanks for a great video.

    Maggie Weldon 14 years ago Reply

    You are very welcome. More videos are coming next month.

  • Lauren 14 years ago Reply

    HI Maggie! First, I LOVE this new site!! Your video on crochet turning chains is now my ONLY way to turn my work!! THANK YOU for making my work look tons better and for helping me smile instead of getting upset by gaping holes and guess-stitching. (haha) I love the even sides!! Your video was wonderful to watch, listen to, and follow the directions you gave.

    Maggie Weldon 14 years ago Reply

    Hi Lauren,
    I’m glad this helped you so much. One of the next videos will be on avoiding holes in the middle of motifs and circles, etc.

  • Bernadette Davis 14 years ago Reply

    Dear Maggie, thank you so much. I love the free patterns. I love the tip on the turning chain. Is there instructions that are written out? Again, thank you. You have a wonderful site.

    Maggie Weldon 14 years ago Reply

    Hi Bernadette,
    Thank you for posting. I couldn’t do it without my TEAM! They are amazing! I have the best team right now. They help make my dreams and ideas come to life.
    I will see about writing this tip out.
    Enjoy your day,

  • Cynthia 14 years ago Reply

    This is one of the best tips I have ever tried. I was making a scarf for my hubby and could definitely see what you were talking about. Fantastic tip…thank you! 🙂

  • Talking2shelly1@gmail.com 13 years ago Reply

    I am only doing single Crochet i do not know how to do half double Crochet, I do know how to do double crochet, just working on Single Crochet.

  • Pattee 13 years ago Reply

    That tip is better than a bag of marshmellows. Thanks!!

  • Leslie 13 years ago Reply

    I’ve always struggled trying to make the turning chain look neat. This tip really helps and I appreciate Maggie taking the time to make and post them.

  • Molly 13 years ago Reply

    I could never get my stuff to look nice. This help loads. Thank you.

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