
Crochet Along – Santa Pillow Part 2 – Assembly of Front

In this You Tube video you will learn how to assemble the front of the Santa Pillow

Assembly of Front Directions

With right sides of Top Strip and top of Body of Pillow together, working over the carried color loops of Top Strip, whipstitch 8 hdc sts to each color block across.

Next you will be crocheting the head, mouth, body, ears, nose and antlers for the Reindeer.

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©2010 Maggie Weldon



Maggie’s Crochet





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1 Comment

  • Marny 13 years ago Reply

    I’m glad to see that I figured out how to view your video and how to enlarge it!

    To enlarge, click on the 4 arrows in the lower corner of the video area. To leave the Full Screen, hit ESC.

    Thank you, Maggie, for all that you give from your heart.

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