Years ago yarn companies published a lot of Bottle Cap Trivet crochet patterns. Luckily we are able to create an archive of vintage crochet patterns here on this site. Not only are we archiving the patterns but we are updating the patterns to make them more user friendly. Our updated patterns are much easier to follow than the originals. With the updated patterns your chance of success, completion and relaxation are much higher.
Edited By: Maggie Weldon
Copyright 2010 Maggie Weldon
Skill: Easy
Materials: Size 10 Crochet Thread (Knit-Cro-Sheen): Skipper Blue – 150 yds (137.2 m), Blue Jewel – 150 yds (137.2 m), Crystal Blue – 150 yds (137.2 m); Thread Needle; 36 Bottle Caps
Crochet Hook: Steel size 7 (1.65 mm)
When instructed to join with sc, begin with sl knot on hook, insert hook in st or sp indicated, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook.
(4 Skipper Blue, 12 Blue Jewel, 20 Crystal Blue)
Rnd 1: (Right Side) Starting at center, ch 4, 19 dc in 4th ch from hook; join to top of ch-4 (20 dc)
Rnd 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in same st as joining, * sc in next 4 dc, 2 sc in next dc; rep from * around; join with sl st to first sc. (24 sc)
Rnds 3-6: Ch 1, sc in each sc around; join.
Rnd 7: Ch 3, (dc in next sc) around; join. Finish off leaving long end.
– Insert bottle cap in wrong side of cover, solid side of cap to front.
– Using long end, sew up opening by gathering last round, pulling tight and fastening.
– Sew motifs together as shown in illustration.
All Rights Reserved ©2010 Maggie Weldon
Hello! I was wondering what kind of bottle caps you are using for these projects. Can you please respond back to me on this. Thank you.
Marcia Peatross
The bottle caps can be found online by searching “bottle caps”. You could also ask friends to collect them for you or ask a local bar to empty their bottle opener cap container.
Could you please show us a photo the wrong side of the trivet; I am not sure mine looks correct. Thanks!
I inherited a bunch of grapes trivet similar to these from my mother in law. It is etting worn and I was wondering how I was going to replace it! Thank you, Thank you!
Hi Maggie,
can you film how you crochet the cap and how you join them.
Kind regards from Holland,
I love all your bottle cap trivets. This is 2nd. time writing to ask you to explain how to sew the bottle caps together. I cannot tell by looking at the picture as to how to sew them together once I have them made and in proper form. Am i missing something or just not seeing correctly? Please explain soon because I have so many bottle caps crocheted and want to give them as chrismas presents but canot figure out how to sew them together. thanks in advance for your quick response. VAL