
#79 ‘His’ Crochet Dishcloth

Great minds think alike!  I was thinking that we needed a special just for men and Carol Ballard has come up with a great one.  Carol has been designing crochet patterns almost as long as she’s been crocheting.  She just started writing them down a few years back.  She likes to keep the patterns as simple as possible, yet fun and interesting, especially for beginners.

To see more of Carol’s designs visit MaggiesCrochet.com or Carol’s Blog: http://www.cobblerscabin.wordpress.com/

Thank you Carol for all your wonderful designs.  Follow me onto Dishcloth #80 and the rest of the story…

“His” Dishcloth

Original Design By Carol Ballard

Copyright 2011 Maggie Weldon

Skill: Easy-Intermediate

About 10” square.

Materials: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn: Maroon – 1½ oz, 75 yd (45 g, 69 m) Beige – 1 oz, 50 yd (30 g, 46 m) (I Love This Cotton – Aubergine # 32, Taupe # 48)

Crochet Hook:
Size G-6 (4.25 mm)

Gauge: 7 sc = 2″, 4 rows (sc, dc, sc, dc) = 2″.


When instructed to join with sc, begin with sl knot on hook, insert hook in st or sp indicated, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook.

To Change Colors

Work last stitch before color change to last step, with new color yo and pull new color through remaining loops on hook. Drop unused color to wrong side. Do not work over unused color.

Special Stitches

Popcorn (pc):
Work 5 dc in st or sp indicated, remove loop from hook, insert hook in first dc, pick up dropped loop and pull through dc.


 Note: All popcorn sts are worked in Beige and the yarn carried to the back of your work. Work over unused color.

Row 1:
(Right Side) With Maroon, ch 34, sc in 2nd ch from hook, (sc in next ch) across. (33 sc)

Rows 2-4:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across. (33 sc)

Row 5:
Ch 3 (counts as first dc now and throughout), turn, dc in next 5 sc, * pc in next sc, dc in next sc *; rep from * to * twice, dc in next 4 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 3 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 7 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 4 sc.

Row 6:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (33 sc)

Row 7:
Ch 3, turn, dc in next 3 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 7 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 3 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 3 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 7 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 4 sc.

Row 8:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (33 sc)

Row 9:
Ch 3, turn, dc in next 3 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 11 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 3 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 7 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 4 sc.

Row 10:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (33 sc)

Row 11:
Rep Row 9.

Row 12:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (33 sc)

Row 13:
Ch 3, turn, dc in next 5 sc, * pc in next sc, dc in next sc *, rep from * to * twice, dc in next 4 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 3 sc; rep from * to * 5 times, dc in next 3 sc.

Row 14:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (33 sc)

Row 15:
Ch 3, turn, dc in next 11 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 3 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 3 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 7 sc, pc in next sc, dc in next 4 sc.

Row 16:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (33 sc)

Row 17:
Rep Row 15.

Row 18:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (33 sc)

Row 19:
Rep Row 7.

Row 20:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (33 sc)

Row 21:
Rep Row 5. Finish off Beige and weave in ends.

Row 22:
With Maroon, ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (33 sc)

Rows 23-24:
Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across. (33 sc)

At the end of Row 24, DO NOT FINISH OFF.


Rnd 1: Ch 1, turn, (right side facing), 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 31 sc, 2 sc in last sc, * working in sides of rows, work sc in each sc row and 2 sc in each dc row *, working in unused lps of starting ch, 2 sc in first ch, sc in next 31 ch, 2 sc in last ch; rep from * to *; join with sl st to first sc.

Rnd 2:
Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, ch 3, skip next sc, * sc in next sc, ch 3, skip next sc; repeat from * around; join. Finish off Maroon and weave in ends.

Rnd 3:
With right side facing, join Beige with sc to any skipped sc, ch 3, * alternating working in front and behind ch-3 lps, sc in next skipped sc, ch 3; rep from * around; join.

Finish off and weave in ends.

All Rights Reserved ©2011 Maggie Weldon




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Comments (3)

  • Lovely Linda 13 years ago Reply

    Maggie ~~ I think Carol has “won” the “best in dishcloths” category !!! What a wonderful pattern ~ one I’m sure any “HE-MAN” would love to have while doing the dishes !!! LOL Thanks to you and Carol for such a fun pattern !!

  • robin hale 13 years ago Reply

    Maggie, this is beautiful!!! Thumbs and crochet hooks up to Carol. HE would definitely love this. Thanks for posting.

  • Kvanatta 13 years ago Reply

    This one worked up really nicely! Of course, while my men do dishes… I don’t think they would appreciate their own dishcloths 🙂 I would never hear the end of it!

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