
Drawstring Blouse – Free Crochet Pattern

Many of the vintage crochet patterns for fashions are still very stylish for today’s fashion standards.  There are several vintage crochet patterns for shawls, tops and dresses.  I have seen some vintage dress patterns that would make stunning additions to your wardrobe.

The free classic Drawstring Blouse crochet pattern is crafted using natural crochet cotton thread.  The stripes could be crocheted using a mix of colors from your collection of threads.



Edited By: Maggie Weldon

Copyright 2010 Maggie Weldon

Skill: Easy

Size: To fit Sizes 10-16 (Note: Pattern is for Size 10. Sizes 12, 14 & 16 are given in parentheses.)

Materials: Size 10 Crochet Thread: 3 (3, 4, 4) balls White, 1 (1, 2, 2) balls Cinnamon, 2 (2, 2, 2) balls Turquoise and 1 (1, 1, 1) ball Black; 2½ yds Braided Cording; 7 Buttons.

Crochet Hook: Steel size 6 or 7 (1.80 or 1.65 mm) or size needed to obtain gauge.

Gauge: 3 patterns = 1 inch; 6 rows = 1 inch


When instructed to join with sc, begin with sl knot on hook, insert hook in st or sp indicated, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook.


Work last stitch before color change to last step, with new color yo and pull new color through remaining loops on hook. Drop unused color to wrong side. Do not work over unused color.

*For Further Assistance with Changing Colors, see our Help Section on the Website www.MaggiesCrochet.com


Ch 1, turn, (sc, dc) in first dc, * ch 1, skip next sc and ch-1 sp, (sc, dc) in next dc; rep from * across.


Row 1: (Right Side) Starting at bottom, with White, ch 150 (159, 168, 177), sc in 2nd ch from hook, dc in next ch, * ch 1, skip next ch, sc in next ch, dc in next ch; rep from * across.

Rows 2-8: Ch 1, turn, (sc, dc) in first dc, * ch 1, skip next sc and ch-1 sp, (sc, dc) in next dc (pattern); rep from * across.

At the end of Row 8, change color to Black, drop White.

Row 9: Ch 1, turn, with Black, sc in first dc, sc in next sc, * ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp and next dc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * across. Finish off Black and weave in ends. DO NOT TURN.

Row 10: With right side facing, join Cinnamon with sc to first sc of previous row, dc in next sc, * ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp and next sc, (sc, dc) in next sc; rep from * across.

Rows 11-13: Rep Pattern Row. At the end of Row 13, pick up White and finish off Cinnamon and weave in ends.

Rows 14-15: Rep Pattern Row. At the end of Row 16, change color to Black, drop White.

Row 16: Ch 1, turn, sc in first dc, sc in next sc, * ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp and next dc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * across. Finish off Black and weave in ends. DO NOT TURN.

Row 17: With right side facing, pick up White at opposite end, sc in first sc of previous row, dc in next sc, * ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp and next sc, (sc, dc) in next sc; rep from * across.

Row 18: Rep Pattern Row.

Row 19: (Increase Row) Ch 1, turn, (sc, dc) in first dc, ch 1, (sc, dc) in next sc, ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp, (sc, dc) in next dc * ch 1, skip next sc and ch-1 sp, (sc, dc) in next dc; rep from * across to last 2 sts, (sc, dc) in next sc, ch 1, (sc, dc) in next dc.

Rows 20-22: Rep Pattern Row. At the end of Row 16, change color to Turquoise, drop White.

Row 23-28: Rep Pattern Row. At the end of Row 28, pick up White and finish off Turquoise and weave in ends.

Rows 29-36: Rep Pattern Row. At the end of Row 36, change color to Black, drop White.

Row 37: 1 Pattern Row in Black. DO NOT TURN.

Rows 38-41: 4 Pattern Rows in Cinnamon.

Rows 42-43: 2 Pattern Rows in White.

Row 44: 1 Pattern Row in Black. DO NOT TURN.

Rows 45-50: 6 Pattern Rows in White.

Rows 51-56: 6 Pattern Rows in Turquoise.

Rows 57-64: 8 Pattern Rows in White

Rep Rows 37-64 for colors until Back measures 10 (10½, 10½, 11) inches from beginning.


Row 1: Keeping color scheme and pattern as established, sl st to dc of 3rd pattern, (sc, dc) in same dc, work in Pattern to within 2 patterns at opposite end. Leave remaining sts unworked.

Row 2: Ch 1, turn, sl st across one pattern, work in pattern to within last pattern at opposite end. Leave remaining sts unworked.

Work even in color scheme and pattern until armholes measure 7½ (7½, 7¾, 7¾) inches from first row of Armhole.


Row 1: Ch 1, turn, sl st across 3 (3, 4, 4) patterns, work in pattern to within last 3 (3, 4, 4) patterns. Leave remaining sts unworked.

Row 2: Turn, sl st across 4 (4, 4, 5) patterns, work in pattern to within last 4 (4, 4, 5) patterns. Leave remaining sts unworked. Finish off and weave in ends.


Row 1: (Right Side) Starting at bottom, with White, ch 90 (96, 102, 108), sc in 2nd ch from hook, dc in next ch, * ch 1, skip next ch, sc in next ch, dc in next ch; rep from * across.

Rows 2-18: Rep Rows 2-18 of Back.

Row 19: (Increase Row) Ch 1, turn, (sc, dc) in first dc, ch 1, (sc, dc) in next sc, ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp, (sc, dc) in next dc * ch 1, skip next sc and ch-1 sp, (sc, dc) in next dc; rep from * across. Work even in color scheme and pattern until Front measures same as Back to Armhole, ending at Armhole side.


Row 1: Keeping color scheme as established, sl st to dc of 3rd pattern, (sc, dc) in same dc, work in Pattern across.

Row 2: Ch 1, turn, work in pattern to within last pattern at opposite end. Leave remaining sts unworked.

Work even in color scheme and pattern until armholes measure 5 (5, 5¼, 5¼) inches from first row of Armhole.


Row 1: Ch 1, turn, work in pattern to within last 3 (3, 4, 4) patterns, sl st in dc of next pattern. Leave remaining sts unworked.

Row 2: Ch 2, turn, skip sl st, sl st over next 2 patterns, work in pattern across.

Row 3: Ch 1, turn, work in pattern to within last 2 (2, 2, 2) patterns, sl st in dc of next pattern. Leave remaining sts unworked.

Row 4: Ch 2, turn, skip sl st, sl st over next pattern, work in pattern across.

Row 5: Ch 1, turn, work in pattern to within last patterns, sl st in dc of next pattern. Leave remaining sts unworked.

Continue decreasing one pattern at neck edge until 10 (11, 12, 13) patterns remain. Work even until armhole measures same as Back Armholes ending at neck edge.


Row 1: Ch 1, turn, work in pattern to within last 3 (3, 4, 4) patterns. Leave remaining sts unworked.

Row 2: Turn, sl st across 3 (4, 4, 4) patterns, work 4 (4, 4, 5) patterns. Finish off and weave in ends.

Place markers for 7 buttons evenly spaced, placing 1st marker on 6th row from lower edge.


Work same as Left Front reversing the shaping and decreases and working buttonholes to match markers.


Starting at front edge work 2 patterns, ch 3, skip next pattern, work to end of row. On next row work a pattern in the ch-3 of buttonhole.

Cord: With White, ch 3, join with sl st to first ch to form ring; ch 1, sc in each ch. DO NOT JOIN.

Working in outside loop of each st, sc in each sc around until cord measures 50 inches or length desired. Finish off and weave in ends.


Block each section. Sew shoulder and side seams.

With White, crochet a row of sc up front, around neck and down opposite front. Finish off and weave in ends. Finish edging armholes in same manner.

Sew ribbon on inside of blouse at lower edge for casing.

Lace Cord through casing and tie in front.

Sew buttons in position.

Sew braided cording up front, around neck and down opposite front. Sew around each armhole in same manner.

All Rights Reserved ©2010 Maggie Weldon



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1 Comment

  • Martha 14 years ago Reply

    I so appreciate your vintage patterns. This looks like one I will enjoy making and wearing.

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